Day 5 of our NCAA Tournament Trip
Visiting the Western Antique Aero plane and Automobile Museum

March 18, 2012

Day 5 and we are off today to drive to Hood River, Oregon to visit the Western Antique Aero plane and Automobile Museum.. It is 45 miles west of Portland.

We visited the museum and then headed for the airport. The GPS was doing fine and delivered us to a small airport 10 miles from the Portland International airport. Whoops, but the small airport was on the way to the main airport.

Once at the airport it was crowned and the two hour flight from Portland to Phoenix was cramped. Once in PHX we heard tales of people trying on Sunday to get to ABQ but the winds where 74 + MPH in ABQ and flights where delayed and at time canceled. Flight from PHX to ABQ was calm other than the steep dive to ABQ runway from 26,000 feet as noted by the flight attendant. We arrived at home at 10 PM..

Signed: Tom & Diana

The Complete Picture Album for Day 5
